Jump Rope Club
At Great Falls, as part of our Comprehensive School Plan, we have a focus on student wellness and our team, led by Fran Alves, is always working to find creative ways to engage our students in wellness activities outside of recess and Physical Education class.
In February our fourth and fifth grade students are spending Friday mornings jumping rope to increase their daily activity! Students can organize games with their jump ropes or jump on their own – a great way to prepare for a day in the classroom. Pictured: students participating in jumping rope before school.

Pictured: Gorham School Superintendent, Heather Perry reading to a classroom of Great Falls students.
World Read Aloud Day
Feb. 1 was World Read Aloud Day, and it’s one of our favorite days here at Great Falls. We invite readers from the community to come into our classrooms and share their favorite book with our students! World Read Aloud Day is about “bringing people together through the shared connection of reading aloud in all of our communities”. This year our guest readers included Heather Perry, Brian Porter, SRO Todd Gagnon, and Heidi Whelan and Jeffrey Knox from Baxter Library.