Staff Writer

Gorham voters validated the FY25 school budget by only four votes, 1827 to 1823. In the only locally contested elections, Ellie Sato defeated Seven Siegel to be the Democratic nominee for District 109 in the November election and Jean-Marie Caterina defeated Bruce Tarbox for the Democratic nomination for County Commissioner. Voters also approved purchase of a fire truck with surplus funds from last year’s capital account.

The Republican Party requested a school budget recount, which can be generated by submitting a petition signed by 100 registered voters. Laurie Nordfors, the town clerk, will conduct the recount with instructions from the town attorney. Ballots were counted by machine and any additional votes could only be found among those the machine recorded as blank. “I highly trust the accuracy of the DS200 tabulators and the election process,” Nordfors said. “If any blank ballots have a mark that is voter intent those ballots will be added to the final results.”

Seven Siegel responded to his defeat by Ellie Sato as the Democratic candidate for the District 109 seat in the Maine Legislature. “I am disappointed, but I know Ellie will do a great job at the State House. The silver lining for me,” he said, “is that I get to continue to serve Gorham as a Town Councilor and spend more time with my baby.”

In a message to the Gorham Times, Sato said, “I am truly grateful to have been elected as the Democratic nominee to run for state representative in the November election. I commend Seven Siegel for their campaign and look forward to seeing them continue to serve Gorham well as a Town Councilor. I am dedicated to being a strong voice for the people of Gorham and advocating for the needs of our community.” Sato will face Alan Livingston, the Republican nominee, in the general election Nov. 5, 2024.