Counselor, Village School

The Village School community is ready to refresh the Gorham Schools Code of Conduct. As the teachers and staff think about the ways they want students to feel, learn and grow, the goal is a school that is welcoming and engaging. Bringing focus to the core values of respect, responsibility, honesty, compassion and courage will remind all Village School members that they can be their best selves every day.

Village school ambassadors will take an active role in modeling and supporting the code of conduct for our students. At Village School, fifth grade students are recruited and encouraged to serve as role models for other students. The goal is for ambassadors to foster relationships and to experience leadership opportunities.

Photo credit: Stacy Sawyer
Village School students will be greeted by this newly created bulletin board. This bulletin board was created by parent volunteers, Adrienne Mango and Alicia Warner. Pictured: Evie Fortier, Adeline Mango, Vivian Mango, Peyton Warner, Samantha Mango

Ambassadors will actively seek out students using the buddy bench, a place where students can sit when they are needing extra friends at recess. Ambassadors will also help plan and produce whole-school assemblies around each of the five core values. Lastly, these student leaders will play a role in catchingDone students who are modeling the code of conduct on the bus, the playground and the cafeteria.

The Village School Community is excited for an amazing start to an engaging and fun school year.