Director School Nutrition

The Gorham School Department is providing breakfast and lunch free for all students through the end of the school year, Monday through Thursdays. These meals are funded by the USDA.

By providing these meals, the hope is that this program will help stretch the household food budget. If families have struggled or fallen behind on bills during the coronavirus pandemic, this can free up some funds to help families get caught up.

School meals are time saving and convenient. Parents do not have to sign up, call or email anyone, or fill out a survey; students just come down to the cafeteria and pick up a lunch. They are available on in-school days (no pre-ordering) or on virtual learning days and may be picked up at Village and Great Falls Elementary Schools from 10 to 10:45 a.m.

Photo credit Nancy Aceto
All Gorham students are encouraged to pick up a free lunch or breakfast through the end of 2020.

Lunch time has always been one of the most looked-forward to times of the day for students. The tables may look a little different and lunches may not come on trays anymore, but Gorham’s kitchen staff is still pouring love into every meal. Let them help put a little “normal” back into students’ lives.

School meals use local products and help sustain the local economy and create jobs. Kitchens are sanitized, employees are clean, and the food is fresh.