The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

Gorham Times Editor

Chairman Pratt opened the July 5, 2022 meeting. There were 37 members of the public in attendance, and 5 councilors.

Open Public Communications:

Kristen Tugman announced a new mental health initiative, and Mike Chabot thanked the Council for updating the Robie Park master plan.

Councilor Communications:

Town Manager’s Report:

Ephrem Paraschak reported on the food truck event at Little Falls Rec. Center and the new Senior Property Tax Rebate program.

Gorham Police Department Report:

Chief Sanborn gave an update on the department’s staffing, and statistics on numbers and types of calls received.

The most demanding calls for service the Police Department handles are mental health-related complaints. The addition of a shared mental health substance abuse liaison position with the Windham Police Department was discussed.

The GPD has received three enforcement grants through the Maine Bureau of Highway Safety totaling $42,700 which run through the end of September 2022.

The partnership with the Gorham School Department provides three full-time school resource officers who handle issues regarding police services, and has proven over the years to be valuable.

The three-year-old Volunteers in Police Services program partners with the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Department Volunteers, and utilizes volunteer citizens for non-law enforcement activities. The program donated 2,128 hours of time to the Town of Gorham, saving approximately $60,700 annually.

The annual Citizens Police Academy has been a successful and positive experience for all. Contact Sergeant Ted Hatch for more information.

The TRIAD program works with the senior populations of Gorham, Westbrook and Windham to address senior issues for all three communities.

The Police Explorer program is for individuals 14 to 21 who are interested in law enforcement. Those interested should contact Officer Aaron Erickson.

Two officers recently took four Gorham students to Camp Post Card to enjoy fishing, hiking, swimming, archery and arts and crafts.

Three officers recently took twelve GMS students on a four-day outward-bound rafting trip.

The Autism Awareness Program allows the Department a database informed by the public that can be used when answering calls.

The GPD is proud that for the fourth consecutive year, Gorham made the Top Ten Safest Community list in Maine.

School Committee Report:

The Maine Department of Education awarded Gorham Schools $250,000 over two years to pay for the expansion of the Extended Learning Opportunities (ELO) program.

Major work over the summer includes GHS bleacher replacement floor refurnishing, finalize field lighting and sound systems, consolidating storage containers, and bringing on a new custodial service, which will also serve the municipal building starting July 1.

Central Office activity included fiscal year end and human resources work. Visit “Human Resources” then “Employment Opportunity” to learn about open positions in the schools.

Staff development days will be August 24-27. The first day of school will be August 30 for Grade 6-0, and August 31 for the others, and September 2 for kindergarten.

Regular meetings resume in the month of August.

Public Hearings:

Hearings were held on five renewals of Medical Use Marijuana Licenses and five renewals were unanimously approved for the following businesses:

  • Andrew Rosenfeld, Second Nature LLC, 44 Sanford Drive. Property owned by Jim Fox.
  • Jared Dinsmore, 5 Little Wing Lane, Unit C. Property owned by Dave Cowen.
  • Alexis Cantara, XOCC LLC., 5 Little Wing Lane, Unit A. Property owned by Dave Cowen.
  • Ryan Nadeau, Skyfall Canopy, 5 Little Wing Way, Unit D. Property owned by Dave Cowen.
  • Andrew Clough, White Pine Tech LLC., 15 Pearson Drive. Property owned by Bob Pearson.

A proposal to amend the Land Use and Development Code to allow Office of Contractor or Tradesman as a permitted use to various Districts. Amendment failed 3-3 (Phillips, Hartwell, Pratt)

Old Business:

Action to consider authorizing the Town Manager to enter into an agreement with Griffon Security for an active shooter response alert system. (Councilor Shepard Spon.). Passed 5-1 (Hartwell)

New Business:

Action to consider updating the Robie Park Master Plan (Councilor Wilder Cross Spon.) Passed 6-0.

Action to consider authorizing the use of a public easement for road access. (Councilor Pratt Spon.). Passed 6-0.

Action to consider authorizing a private way off the applicant to seek Planning Board approval and construct a public road constructed to the Town’s Rural Access or Sub-collector Standard of in the abandon public easement of Libby Avenue. (Councilor Pratt Spon.). Failed.

Action to consider accepting Musket Drive as a public way. (Councilor Kuech Spon.). Failed 3-3 (Hartwell, Pratt, Phillips)

Action to consider reviewing the Town’s fund balance policy. (Councilor Philips Spon.). Passed 6-3.

Action to consider instructing staff to incorporate sustainability practices into town operations and planning. (Councilor Wilder Cross Spon.). Passed 6-0.

Action to consider establishing a Town Council workshop for the month of August with the Gorham Economic Development Corporation. Councilor Pratt Spon.). Passed 6-0.

Action to consider authorizing a third phase of American Rescue Plan Act funding. (Councilor Pratt Spon.). Passed 6-0.

Action to consider authorizing a third phase of American Rescue Plan Act funding releasing $1,431,420 in ARPA funding. (Councilor Pratt Spon.).

Moved by Councilor Phillips, seconded by Councilor Shepard and VOTED to amend the order to remove the item Perimeter fencing for dog park. Passed 6-0.

Moved by Chairman Pratt, seconded by Councilor Hartwell and VOTED to amend the order to remove Pavilion at Shaw Park, $175,000. Passed 4-2 (Wilder Cross, Kuech)

The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

Complete minutes are available on the town’s website at