
Chairman Pratt opened the meeting. There were 30 members of the public in attendance.

Shawn Moody, Rob Lavoie, Ethan Johnson, Peter Mason, Mark Curtis, Nick Flagg, Dan Shaw, John Smith, Trish Moulton, Chris Kelley and John Shaw presented views on the process of bringing new businesses to Gorham and how to make the Town more business friendly.

Nicholas Hodgkin, Tyler Stanley, Joseph Cerny and James Schram all expressed their concern on the proposed development on Wescott Road which they believe will disrupt wildlife, limit emergency vehicle access and overwhelm the small area with traffic.

Tina Ruel recognized the many volunteers who participated in the third Gorham Cleans Up event. She reported that they picked up over 1600 pounds of trash and cleaned up roads from Gorham Middle School (GMS) to Cherry Hill Trails and up to Rt. 237.

Councilor Hager reported that the Capital Improvements Committee met March 24 and discussed the possible, completed and outstanding capital improvement projects for the Town and School. The Finance Committee met on March 28 and discussed a debt to income ratio policy. They will meet again in June. He congratulated Tina Ruel for being chosen as Gorham’s EcoMaine Excellence Award winner for 2022.

Councilor Kuech attended the latest Little Rams Early Childhood meeting where they presented several child development service ideas. They will meet again on May 19.

Councilor Wilder Cross thanked Charlie Haws, who after his longtime service as a member of the Board of Appeals stepped down on April 1. Councilor Wilder Cross congratulated the Northern Force Gorham/Falmouth High School Robotics team for making it to the quarter finals of the Pine Tree District Competition at Thomas College in March and continued its extraordinary effort this past weekend in New Hampshire, where their team ranked #5 out of 40 contenders in the qualification round. The team also won the Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen, who was the father of FIRST Founder, Dean Kamen.

Councilor Phillips announced that the Gorham Outdoors Club will be hosting a scavenger hunt during April Vacation. There is more information about the event at the Library or on their Facebook page.

Councilor Hartwell reported that the Ordinance Committee met on March 15 and discussed and reviewed Land Use and Development Codes on outside dining. He commented on the overwhelming feedback from Gorham business owners about the planning process.

Councilor Shepard voiced his appreciation to the Gorham Business owners who gave their feedback on the planning process and urged the Council to act on the problems. He suggested an outsider come in to evaluate the Town’s policies, ordinances and codes and give their suggestions on how to improve.

Chairman Pratt reported that the Jetport Noise Abatement Committee will meet on April 7. Chairman Pratt thanked George Fox, Molly Butler Bailey and Scott Firman for their many years of service on the Planning Board. He also urged people to donate blood if they can.

Town Manager Paraschak reminded citizens that the Municipal Center, Administrative offices and Library will be closed on April 18 in observance of Patriots Day. He thanked Senator King’s office for $1,000,000.00 in Federal Funds to help support the Gorham Industrial Park West Campus Expansion project as well as Gorham’s Economic Development Department and Kevin Jensen for securing the funds. Town Manager Paraschak reminded citizens that absentee ballot applications are available for the June election. He also reported that he submitted a draft of the Town budget to the Council and is looking forward to the budget process workshop with staff and the Council.

Anne Schools, School Committee Chair reported the following:

The School Committee has been working to come up with a proposed FY 23 budget and will be voting to approve one during their next meeting on April 13. After that vote, they will work toward delivering a proposed budget booklet to the Town Manager by April 20, 2022 for review by Town Council.

Additionally, on April 13, the School Committee will vote to approve a 2022-23 School Year Calendar. At this time, the School Committee may approve, at most, two additional early release days, which will bring the total to 10.

A list of important dates for our GHS seniors:

  • June 1 – Senior Scholarship Night (MPAC);
  • June 9 – Senior Celebration Night (MPAC);
  • June 10 – Senior Walk/Senior BBQ;
  • June 13 – Graduation @ 4:00 p.m. (on the field).

Barring any unanticipated snow days, the last student day of school will be Monday, June 13, a half day.

Library Director James Rathbun reported that the Library is back to pre-pandemic levels and has had the highest circulation ever.

Town Council amended the Land Use & Development Code to require phased build outs of subdivisions. (7 yeas)

Town Council amend the Land Use & Development Code to allow for a refund of Zoning Board of Appeals fees when a determination of the Code Enforcement Officer is overturned by the ZBA. (7 yeas)

Town Council amended the Land Use & Development Code to add agricultural event centers and agricultural tourism uses. (5 yeas, 2 nays – Kuech, Phillips)

Town Council authorized the Town Manager to revise the Shaw Cherry Hill Farm lease agreement to allow for a public farmers market. (7 yeas)

The full meeting minutes and amendments can be found on the Town’s website.