Councilor Shepard reported that the Ordinance Committee met on December 18 and a couple of items were brought to the Council. The Ordinance Committee will be meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 8:00 am.
Councilor Phillips reported that the High School Building Committee will have a joint meeting with the Town Council. She also mentioned that she had received several calls from concerned citizens about the road conditions during the recent snow storms.
Councilor Wilder Cross thanked the various entities that were part of the success of this year’s New Year Gorham event. She attended a roundtable discussion with the Metro Regional Coalition, which is part of the Greater Portland Council of Governments. There was much discussion on how other municipalities are adjusting their Comprehensive Plans and their Ordinance and Planning efforts to make affordable housing available in their communities.
Chairman Hartwell touched upon the town roads and how Public Works treats the roads the same during each snowstorm. He specified that the last couple of storms were during rush hour which is more difficult to keep up with the snow.
Councilor Hager asked the Town Manager if Public Works treats the roads the same or if they change the way the roads are treated when there is a late start or school closing during a snow storm.
Town Manager Ephrem Paraschak reported that Public Works treats roads the same during every snow event. He thanked Finance Director Sharon LaFlamme for her hard work putting together the Town’s financial report. He reminded residents to be more mindful of what is being put in the Silver Bullet recycling bins. The Town is being charged an extra fee for highly contaminated bins when they are emptied by ecoMaine. Check the town website for a list of what can be put in the bins.
Darryl Wright, Chairman, presented the Council with the answers to the questions from last month’s meeting including an historical look back at enrollment numbers for the district. He reported that the individual budget meetings will be wrapped up soon and Superintendent Perry will be working to develop her first draft budget for review on February 13. The Athletic Capital Campaign Committee has begun its “soft launch” of the Capital Campaign which is geared mostly toward raising awareness and sharing information about the campaign. The information will be shared during several basketball games and is on the website.
Chairman Hartwell asked the Council if he should be recused from a vote due to a conflict of interest of his farm selling beef to the applicant. The Town Council voted to allow him to vote.
A renewal liquor license was approved for Sebago Brewing Company.
The Town Council appointed Vincent Grassi to the Planning Board to fill the term of Lee Pratt, effective immediately.
A proposal to amend the Land Use & Development Code regulating Adult-Use Marijuana Cultivation for Personal Use, was sent to the Planning Board for a Public Hearing and recommendation. The proposal would provide guidelines to regulate personal cultivation of marijuana for the growers use on the property where the grower’s residence is located. The ordinance prohibits growing for any person not living on the property where the marijuana is being cultivated, all commercial cultivation for adult-use, and the sale of “adult-use” marijuana from a residential property. The proposal also covered standards, permit requirements and prohibited uses associated with adult-use marijuana cultivation. The full proposal can be found on the Town’s website.
The Town Council re-appointed Laurie Nordfors as the Registrar of Voters.
The transfer of $1,000 to the Town of Gorham seized in a criminal case (Docket No. CR-17-5960) was approved and the Town Manager is authorized to sign the approval form on behalf of the Town of Gorham.
The Town Council forwarded a proposal to amend Pheasant Knoll Contract Zoning Agreement between Kasprzak Landholdings, Inc. and the Town of Gorham to the Planning Board for a Public Hearing and recommendation.
The full meeting minutes are available at