The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

Staff Writer

Councilor Pratt issued a warning to citizens about the recent mail thefts in the Industrial Park area. He encouraged citizens to get their mail on a timely basis and not leave it in the mailbox while out of town.

Councilor Hartwell announced that he had met with Susan Duchaine and acknowledged her concerns with the Town. He appreciates her going on record to bring light to the ongoing problems.

Councilor Wilder Cross reported that New Year Gorham was a success. She thanked the people who made it possible. She also stated that she will be attending a meeting of the Greater Portland Council of Governments where they will discuss the challenges of welcoming Asylum Seekers.

Councilor Hager reported that the Finance Committee will meet on January 27.

Chairperson Phillips announced that the Gorham Business Exchange is planning the Gorham Marketplace on March 21. She also announced that the Gorham Founders Festival will be held September 19-20, 2020. The festival will include a float contest, parade, historical tours, fireworks, music and much more and will be a Town wide event. Any businesses or groups that would like to participate are encouraged to contact her.

Town Manager Paraschak announced that “Gorham Night” at USM will be on January 29. He reported that many of the town’s street lights have been converted to LED and asked if anyone notices lights malfunctioning, to please let him know.

Paraschak also announced that a joint School Committee/Town Council meeting was scheduled for January 14 to discuss the High School Renovation Project and also an Ordinance Committee meeting will be held on January 21.

The Town Council issued a new Liquor License to Azul Tequila LLC, located at 29 School Street.

A renewal Liquor License and Special Amusement License was issued to Sebago Brewing Company, located at 616 Main Street.

The Town Council amended the Impact Fee Ordinance section of the Land Use and Development Code.

The Town Council instructed staff to work with the Portland West Rail & Trail Alliance to further explore the development of the Mountain Division Railroad for commuter access into Portland.

Rob Lavoie’s and Stefania Strzalkowska’s resignations from the Conservation Commission were accepted and the Town Council expressed appreciation for their service on the Commission and to the Gorham Community.

The Pump Track on Weeks Road has been officially named the “Lavoie Bike Park” in recognition of Rob Lavoie’s outstanding dedication to the project, the Gorham Conservation Commission and the citizens of the Town of Gorham.

The Town Council decided not to forward a proposal to amend the contract zone of Hans Hansen in South Gorham to allow for senior housing units to the ordinance committee.(3 yeas, 3 nays: Wilder Cross, Hager, Shepard) ITEM FAILS

The Town Council instructed staff to prepare general updates to the Employee Personnel Policy for Ordinance Committee review and recommendation.

The Finance Committee was instructed to review sewer rates for the Portland Water District in the Town of Gorham and provide their recommendation to the Town Council.

The Town Council accepted Benjamin Way and Burton Drive as public ways. (For both items: 4 yeas, 2 nays: Hartwell, Wilder Cross)

Councilors Phillips, Wilder Cross and Hartwell were appointed to the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Committee.

The Town Council instructed staff to review and recommend traffic calming measures in and around the approaches to the Gorham Village for state collector roadways. These measures may include the use of reactive speed signs, bump outs, crosswalk signs and speed tables.

An amendment to the Land Use & Development Code to allow for Self-Service Storage Facilities was forwarded to the Planning Board for their recommendation. (5 yeas, 1 nay: Phillips)

The full amendments and meeting minutes can be found on the town’s website.