Student, Great Falls School

Written with Donna Powell, Teacher

Q. What are Worry Worms?

A. Worry worms are little crochet worms that we give to people when we feel as though they are worrying or upset. They have a little tag on each of them that has this poem: “I’m your little worry worm, keep me near and squeeze me tight. Tell me your worries and everything will be alright.”

Q. Why did you start making them? What are kids worried about?

A. Ms. Powell has been teaching for more than 22 years and has seen students worry more, especially since the pandemic. She had an idea to use Worry Worms so they have something in their toolbox to help reduce their worries. We asked the Great Falls social worker, Ms. Tardif about what kids worry about. We found out that kids can be worried about lots of things. They can have small, medium, and even very big worries. It could include worrying about school work, homework, their family. Some kids might not have what they need to be successful in school. So we added Worry Worms to the story to help.

Q: How have the Worry Worms helped you this year?

A: Worry Worms have helped me because when it’s around and I look at its goofy eyes, I know that I’m safe. It has probably helped other kids from worrying too.

Q. How many have you made and delivered?

A. So far, we have made and delivered 132 worms to students and staff at Great Falls Elementary. Ms. Powell (and sometimes her mother) crochet the worms and her students in fourth and fifth grade attach the tag and glue on the eyes. We have a Worry Worm workstation where we have all of the supplies we need.

Q. How did you come up with the idea?

A. Ms. Powell showed Silas the crochet worms she wanted to make, and he decided to come up with a group. That group was The Worry Warriors. We have our own logo and everything. Currently, we have four members, but we hope to start growing.

Q. What is your plan for the Worry Worms?

A. We are planning to deliver and hand out Worry Worms to every Great Falls student, which is more than 500 students! We would love to deliver one Worry Worm to every elementary school student in the Gorham school district.