In the midst of a global pandemic, Gorham High School (GHS) approached this year’s spirit week in a new, fun way for students and staff. Because of the restrictions put in place by Governor Janet Mills, the traditional homecoming activities, including home sporting events and a dance, could not happen. Instead, student council representatives came up with some ways to involve students. Monday the students wore fun masks. Tuesday was class colors (freshmen and sophomores wore black, juniors wore maroon, and seniors wore white). Wednesday the theme was to dress like a Mainer with flannel clothing and L.L Bean merchandise. Thursday was throwback Thursday with students wearing clothing from the 70’s, 80’s, or any other decade. On Friday, students dressed in their Halloween costumes and holiday items. The challenge of not having everyone in school on the same days was overcome by hanging posters with QR codes for each day. Students scanned the barcode and uploaded their spirit photos in order to show off their spirit.


School Colors Day

Throwback Thursday

Mask-Up Monday