The Gorham School Committee held a special meeting on May 22, 2024. Chairperson Sarah Perkins called the meeting to order.

Brian Penley and Lexie Caddell presented on the Alternative Learning Opportunities at Village School. They, along with several students described opportunities to extend learning including knitting, “genius hour”, Lego building, recycling paper, nature journals and multiple other examples of collaborative efforts to engage and enrich students’ learning.

Genius Hour is an activity where a student will choose a question to answer, do individual research and present findings to others. Mr. Penley explained that the recycling project grew out of one student’s desire to impact the environment positively by reducing waste paper at the school. Ms. Cadelle, the Alternative Education Ed. Tech. explained her goal to impact the entire school with her work.

The board voted 7-0 to make a slight change in the school calendar. The kindergarten start day was moved from September 3 to September 4. This change only affects kindergarten students.

The committee voted 7-0 to appoint Lucas Witham as Gorham Middle School Principal as of July 1, 2024. Mr. Witham currently serves as the GMS Assistant Principal and has several years of experience as an Assistant Principal in Virginia. Superintendent Perry described a full hiring process involving two rounds of interviews. Several committee members praised Mr. Witham for his presentations and his work with students at the middle school.

The committee voted 7-0 to appoint four teachers for the 2024-25 school year. They included Nicole Volosin, Alternative Education at GHS, Nicole LaFlamme Grade 3 at Narragansett, Rona Scott, Grade 5 at Narragansett and Beth Orlando, Grade 6 at GMS.

Also approved unanimously was the Great Falls Construction quote for Narragansett Elementary School Bathroom renovation.

The School Board reviewed several future CIPS projects and approved a list to present to the town Council for a future bond referendum. These included projects to address the issue with the tennis courts, high school modular classrooms, the HVAC system at Narragansett School, parking at Village School, GHS repaving and Great Falls sidewalk replacement.

As part of their on-going review of current school department policies, they approved a first reading of eight policies; Emergency Evacuation Drills (EBCB), Bomb Threats (EBCC), Pest Management (ECBA), Drug and Alcohol Testing of Bus Drivers (EEACEA), Student Conduct on School Buses (EEAEC), Video Surveillance on School Property (EEAEFA), Competitive Food Sales (EFE) and School Records Retention (EHB).