School News Editor

The September School Committee meeting was called to order by Chairman Sarah Perkins. Six members were present. The committee approved the minutes of several summer regular and special meetings.

Each of the five principals reported on the opening of school. Each administrator thanked the maintenance and custodial staff and described the successful openings of school and the student and parent open houses which had taken place during the first week. GHS Principal, Brian Jandreau introduced GHS Student Council Officers: Bri, Emily, Brooke and Ava who introduced their plans and activities for the school year.

Norm Justice, director of maintenance reviewed the summer projects that were completed including the completion of the Narragansett Preschool playground, finishing the modular complex at Narragansett, repainting the GMS cafeteria, replacing exterior doors, sidewalk and pavement repairs and the replacement of the GHS HVAC system.

Superintendent Heather Perry reviewed the new AI guidelines. This framework is an attempt to look at some of the issues raised by the use of AI and how it can be appropriately used as a learning tool while protecting the privacy of all information.

Perry also reviewed the annual State of the Schools Report which is available on the school website. The report is a collection of data including statistics on free lunch, absenteeism, student support services, equity data, achievement trends, behavior trends, and readiness. (GMS readiness, GHS readiness and career/ life readiness)

The superintendent also expressed the need for school bus drivers, educational technicians and substitute teachers.

During public comments, educator and Gorham resident Kelli Deveaux thanked Gorham teachers and staff on this date, Sept. 11, for providing education, emotional support and care for our students during the challenges that our society has dealt with in the past twenty-three years. Our staff is always there to provide a safe, supportive and welcoming environment for students.

Each committee member reported on their observations of the school’s beginning and thanking staff for their outstanding efforts. There were reports from each subcommittee detailing their recent work and the next meetings.

The committee approved (6-0) the proposed school committee meeting schedule and approved (6-0) the superintendent’s goals for the 2024-25 school year. These goals include refreshing metrics for school success, preparing FAAP for 3–4-year-old learners, strengthening the communication between school and community, continuing equity practices and focusing on the onboarding of new staff.

Finally, the committee approved a first reading of the Wellness Policy (JL) (6-0).