The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

Staff Writer

At the last regular meeting of the School Committee (SC), members recognized Teacher Appreciation Week by thanking district teachers and ed techs for their work with Gorham students. The SC student representatives spoke about end of school activities at the high school and members reported attending school programs such as Adopt a Classroom and Career Day.

Volunteers also received recognition when Kelly Reed, who along with Tracey Bassingthwaite coordinates the district’s volunteer program, made a presentation to the committee. Gorham has 900 active volunteers who gave 20,000 hours to more than 20 opportunities working with teachers and students. There are 43 volunteers involved with the Backpack Program alone. Volunteers must attend an orientation before they begin working with students. Each year they are required to register in accordance with the district policy.

Superintendent Heather Perry called attention to several bills before the Maine Legislature, including one that would permit students to use sunscreen in schools, a policy that she said would be a challenge to implement. She said that the Town Council will vote on the School Budget on June 4, but that the state budget is still under discussion.

During reports of Standing and Special committees, Darryl Wright reported that the Gorham High School Building Committee is waiting for estimates for various components of the concept building plan.

Action on unfinished business included voting on changes to three policies. The Transportation Policy was revised to make pick-up rules clearer and was passed (4-2, Wright, Schools. Benson absent). Wright and Anne Schools were opposed because no provision was made in the policy for split families. The Tobacco Policy was updated and revised, including prohibiting the use of vape products. That and the updated Wellness Policy passed unanimously.

In others business, the SC voted 6-0 to approve moving a list of probationary teachers to the next step, to approve the negotiated contract with the Gorham Teachers Association (GTA), add language in the budget proposal related to receiving additional state monies, and hire Shellie Pride as Director of Adult Education, as well as hiring Special Education teachers Rosemarie Dyer, Kim Walker, and Amy Spagnoli. None of these are new positions.