The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

Staff Writer

At the start of the October 13 regular School Committee (SC) meeting, Brian Jandreau, Gorham High School (GHS) principal, introduced three GHS seniors who spoke briefly about how they are benefiting from opportunities at their school.

Michelle Darling participates in the beekeeping project at Robie Park and takes an art class at USM for early college credit. Esau Wyatt, enrolled in Advanced Placement (AP) courses in computer science and environmental science, raises chickens in a backyard sustainability project in addition to captaining the football team. An athlete on the soccer and track teams, Andrew Wyatt is also Student Council president.

Superintendent Heather Perry reported on Phase 1 of the curriculum audit which is part of implementing the Anti-Racism Policy. The goal is to examine curriculum at all levels “through the lens of diversity and inclusiveness in all that the district does.”

The committee developed ten questions to use in the survey. Teachers of grades K-5 and ELL (English Language Learners) classes wanted more diverse choices in library resources and in social studies curriculum. This was also true at Gorham Middle School (GMS) and GHS. Findings at GHS also raised questions about whether or not social services are equitable.

Based on these findings, the next phase will focus on social studies and classroom libraries. Other goals will be to review Maine Studies and training for teachers. This will include cooperation with the Teaching and Learning Committee, which is already working on these issues.

Any big changes, Perry said, would come before the SC for implementation the following year. SC members suggested working even more closely with Baxter Memorial Library to give students access to more diverse resources.

Perry also reported on the first round of monthly COVID-19 data summaries. In grades K-5 there were 751 incidents of students staying home, students asked to stay home due to close contact, or sent home with symptoms. (This is not the number of students affected because one student could be counted multiple times.) Only 15 staff incidents were reported.

Many students in Grades 6-12 are vaccinated, as well as 96% of GMS staff and 99% of those at GHS. There were 154 student incidents and only one involving staff at these two schools.

Perry said that during the first six weeks there were only 28 positive cases reported, and there was no evidence of transmission in Gorham Schools.

Darryl Wright reported that the report of the joint facilities committee is expected soon and that the SC and the Town Council will meet together in December to discuss it.

The SC voted (6-0, Brockman absent) to adopt the revised policy on Remote Participation in School Board Meetings, after amending it to require listing on the agenda the reason for not meeting in person. They also voted (6-0) to approve hiring of Suzanne Liacos-Dix as GMS library/media specialist and to approve stipends for Schedule B and C personnel.