Staff Writer

The Town of Gorham is looking at future plans for Robie Park. The property is between Gorham High School and the Municipal Center as well as between Morrill Avenue and the Access Road.

Photo credit: Town of Gorham
Pictured above is the existing master plan for Robie Park.

In 2000, a Master Plan for this property was developed which included a baseball field, basketball courts, a recreation office (now a daycare), a playground, groves of trees, and trails through the property. More recently a survey of the approximately 6-acre property was posted online and 87% of the 358 people who responded to it, wanted the property to remain a park. A meeting is planned for the end of February to review the survey comments and a site walk is planned for the end of March. The red circles on the property are entrances. The white spot was a basketball court but is now trees.

Photo credit: Kerry Constantino

Eighteen percent of respondents visited the park a few times per week, 22% visited a few times a month and 31% visited a few times a year. The remaining respondents almost never visited the park. Survey respondents used the park for playground and other children’s activities, for running and walking, for baseball and basketball games, for green space, for the community garden and the bees, and a variety of other activities.

Residents thought the playground and children’s play areas should be expanded, and that the natural landscaping, greenspace areas should be maintained. More trees, improved fields and areas for a variety of sports, and a wide variety of suggestions for changes/improvements including the use of Robie Park for an anticipated need to expand Gorham High School.


Photo credit: Kerry Constantino