School News Editor

This past school year ended with the retirement of many long-serving and well-loved teachers and educators. In addition to Assistant Superintendent Brian Porter, retiring staff includes Great Falls teachers: Patty LaRosa, Allie Rimkunas, Gregg Sands, Jackie Taylor and Laurie Tibbetts, Narragansett speech therapist: Cathy Larochelle, Village teachers: Cindy Blake, Lois Bywaters, Jane Seidenberg, and Counselor Becky Heyward. and GMS and GHS speech therapist Judy Wuorio. Also retiring are veteran educational technician: Joan Anderson and technology integrator: Joanne Gauley.

Cindy Blake

Cindy taught third and fourth grade for many years at Village School.

Lois Bywaters

In 1991, Lois moved to Maine after teaching in Connecticut for seven years. She taught at Morse High School in Bath for three years before moving to Gorham. It wasn’t until coming here that she felt like she found her teaching home. Lois has spent the last thirty years of her career in Gorham. She served as a special education teacher for 16 years, a third-grade teacher for 19 years, and finally a K-5 art teacher for the past five years. Lois says, “I have worked with some amazing children, parents, and staff over the years, and greatly enjoyed my time here. I am now looking forward to many new adventures in my retirement.”

As an avid outdoors person who enjoys trail running, hiking, biking, swimming, kayaking, walking, and traveling, she is looking forward to trail running and hiking around the world. Her three adult children currently live in Colorado, and she will be adventuring with them and her two rescue dogs as often as possible.

Becky Heyward

Becky has been a school counselor at White Rock, Narragansett and Village Schools since 1997.

Cathy Larochelle

In 1980, Cathy was hired as a speech therapist at the Millett School before moving to Narragansett School the following year.

She has worked at all of the buildings in the past 44 years. Cathy is the last of the original Narragansett teachers to retire.

Cathy describes one of her favorite memories in this way, “My husband and I were walking through the mall, and I heard a young man call my name. He quickly came up to me, introducing his fiancée. He told her how I had saved his life because he had been a severe stutterer and because of me, his life was changed for the better.”

Cathy will miss the daily camaraderie with the staff as well as the interaction with children. In the future, she plans to hopefully work, in some capacity, with animals. She also wants to train and volunteer for hospice, assisting patients and families through difficult times.

Patty LaRosa

Patty was a second-grade and multi-age teacher at White Rock School and a second-grade teacher at Great Falls School since the school’s opening.

Allie Rimkunas

Allie came to the Gorham schools after a career as a picture framer, an artist, and a private art teacher. She had been a substitute teacher and an educational technician, before becoming an art teacher in 2004.

In describing one of her favorite moments in teaching, Allie says “I was teaching fifth-graders how to design and sew their own stuffies. There was one boy who was usually very quiet in class. One day he came rushing off the bus and into the Art room flanked by two girls. He had a stuffed Superman figure and was excited because he wanted to mend it. Because of what we did in class, he knew how to fix it. He excitedly told me about all the stuffies he had at home that he was going to fix. He was on fire and effervescent because he had a new skill and I had given him that power.”

Allie will miss so much of her teaching. She loved when kids come into the art room off the bus and just want to chat. She will miss seeing what new project will spark someone’s interest. She will miss her colleagues and chatting with parents, grandparents, and siblings of students.

In the future, Allie hopes to continue playing volleyball on the GF team and may sign up to sub or volunteer. Mostly, she looks forward to finally working on her own artwork.

Gregg Sands

After graduating from USM, Gregg began subbing in Gorham and was hired as an ed. tech with Pat O’Shea in the reading program at Narragansett School. He has taught third- and fifth-grades for 35 years.

Gregg has many positive memories throughout the years. “My Katahdin trips at the end of the year are special memories that I won’t forget and something that I will miss very much. Many people have come into my life because of my years in Gorham and I will miss working with them. Of course, I will miss working with and being with the kids. I will miss just being myself with them and hearing so many times that they are having fun in school. That has made it all worthwhile for me.”

His plans for the future include enjoying time with family including his grandson, Dax, and spending time in the woods, hiking, fishing and hunting.

Jane Seidenberg

Jane has been a special education teacher at Narragansett and Village Schools for many years.

Jackie Taylor

Jackie is retiring after many years of teaching second and third grade at White Rock, Narragansett and Great Falls Schools. Jackie moved to Gorham from the west coast in 1992 and quickly discovered that she had hit the jackpot and would never want to leave Gorham. She taught third-grade her first year at White Rock and then taught first-grade and second-grade (multi-age, looping, single grade) for the remainder of her career. She will, of course, miss the students. She is forever grateful for the relationships made with her students, families and colleagues.

Jackie will always remember and appreciate the Gorham community members for all of the kindness and support that she has received. “I will never forget the outpouring of love and support received from the Gorham Community after our house fire in 2018.”

She is looking forward to new opportunities and adventures in retirement but will miss being a part of the Gorham school community. “It’s been a wonderful experience.”

Laurie Tibbetts

Laurie has taught in Gorham for thirty-eight years, teaching special education, first- third- and fourth-grades.

Laurie will miss the great teachers and administrators that she worked with in all 3 elementary schools. “The Gorham staff is hard working, smart, and plenty of fun. I love running into my former students when they are adults…sometimes with children of their own. Gorham also has some extremely supportive parents who give so much to help their children and show appreciation to the teachers.”

Her plans for the future include helping to take care of her new granddaughter who was due on July 1, kayaking, biking, reading, gardening, visiting with friends and family and traveling including a trip to Italy with family in 2025.

Judy Wuorio

Judy was a speech therapist at the middle and high schools for many years.

In addition to these retirements, Gorham lost another dedicated and longtime teacher this year. Sadly, on April 26, Susan Moses passed away after a long illness. Susan taught sixth grade at Village School and Gorham Middle School for over 25 years.

Each of these educators has left a lasting mark on the school system and the lives of countless students and community members. Their dedication, hard work and love of students will forever be appreciated and cherished by the Gorham community.