Photo credit: Gorham Times Staff

Rep. Mo Terry, D-Gorham, was elected on Thursday, November 16, to serve as House Majority Leader along with Rep. Kristen Cloutier, D-Lewiston, as Assistant Majority Leader, replacing Rep. Michelle Dunphy and Rep. Rachel Talbot Ross, respectively. Rep. Ross was nominated to serve as Speaker of the House. Entering her fourth term in the Maine House most recently as House chair, Rep. Terry said, “I look forward to uniting the members of our caucus to fight for policies that will provide relief for Maine families and benefit every corner of our state.” The entire House of Representatives will convene for a final vote on Rep. Ross’ position, and for the swearing-in day on December 7. Watch for a more in-depth interview with Rep. Terry in the December 8 issue of the Gorham Times.