Candidates for County Commissioner District 109

Candidate’s Personal Information:

Seven Siegel (D), 238 Main Street; Employment: Gorham Town Councilor, Nonprofit Consultant; Education: Master of Public Policy and MBA in Nonprofit Management from Brandeis University. I am married to the amazing Becky Wartell. Our daughter Vaiva is 7 months old.

How long have you lived in the area?

4 years

What are the major issues facing the legislature and how would you affect the discourse for the benefit of Gorham?

The biggest issue facing the legislature is its impact. Every year, the legislature passes bills and spends millions of dollars to address our state’s largest issues, and yet these problems continue to grow. There’s a disconnect between how the laws are written and the actual impact they have on local communities.

As a Town Councilor, I understand the specific needs of Gorham, and will make sure that bills take into account the local needs of communities across the state. What works in one part of Maine won’t work in another, and we need to pass legislation with that in mind.

Candidate’s Personal Information:

Eleanor Sato (D); 14 Dragonfly Lane; former legislative aide; graduated summa cum laude with a BFA in dance and a minor in political science from Fordham University and the Alvin School. Lives in a multigenerational home with her cat, Pazu.

How long have you lived in the area?

I have lived in Gorham for 15 years.

What are the major issues facing the legislature and how would you affect the discourse for the benefit of Gorham?

I think the major issues facing our Legislature are education funding, climate change, and access to health care, including safeguarding our right to abortion. I believe that the best way to move forward on these issues is by listening to fellow Gorham residents to build community-based solutions while also collaborating with legislators on both sides of the aisle to deliver on legislation that meets the needs of Gorham. My unique experiences, ability to listen, dedicated work ethic, and the hours of conversations I’ve had with Gorham residents are invaluable and enable me to take action the moment I’m elected.

State Senate District (D)

Candidate’s Personal Information:

Stacy Brenner (D), 388 Broadturn Road, Scarborough;; University of Arizona, BS in Agriculture University of Pennsylvania, BSN & MSN, Nurse-Midwifery; Co-owner and farmer, Broadturn Farm Senior Advisor, Maine Farmland Trust

How long have you lived in the area?

I have lived in Scarborough since 2006.

What are the major issues facing the legislature and how would you affect the discourse for the benefit of Gorham?

I’ve learned, while serving 2 terms in the Senate as chair of the Environment and Natural Resources Committee, agreement is found with compromise and deliberation, aided by prioritizing patient discourse and incremental change. Investing in Maine through education, clean energy initiatives, people and housing make the state livable and attractive. Closely watching the effects of state policy on municipalities that are rapidly growing is crucial to Gorham’s ability to plan and implement town wide strategies. I again look forward to the honor of representing Gorham residents.

State Senate District 30 (R)

Candidate’s Personal Information:

Donald R. Hamill (R), 3 Bay Street Scarborough ME 04074; Retired HR Executive and Independent Consultant BA Colgate MILR Cornell

How long have you lived in the area?

Scarborough Resident over 25 years.

What are the major issues facing the legislature and how would you affect the discourse for the benefit of Gorham?

Restoring Fiscal Responsibility and Common Sense. Mainers were known for independence, thrift, and common sense. Today we are one of the highest taxed states in the country, with average income in the bottom half. Education performance has fallen dramatically, along with other key metrics. As a Town Councilor, I have faced difficult challenges of growth and change. This has required incorporating opposing views on difficult issues to reach compromises; and taking a stand. I look forward to contributing my skills and experience to challenges at the State level. As an advocate, mediator, and a voice of reason.

State Rep District 108 (R)

Candidate’s Personal Information:

M. Thad Moody (R), 90 Narragansett Street, Semi Retired. 25 yearsCooks Hardware, 29 years with Moody’s Collision. Gorham High. Married Roxanne Hanscom, 3 Children, Christopher, Tasha, Heather. 5 Grandchildren.

How long have you lived in the area?

Lived in Gorham 65 years

What are the major issues facing the legislature and how would you affect the discourse for the benefit of Gorham?

My opinion, Lack of Transparency in State Government. Ask the questions and dig into the why’s we continue to band aid and not dig to solve then fix issues within our State Government run programs. Too many times giving Hand Outs and not Hand Up’s. Too many false promises made without finishing before moving on to another promise, Example Internet Service to All Maine Residents. This practice would benefit Gorham, Bigger picture would help our State.

State Rep District 108 (D)

Candidate’s Personal Information:

Parnell Terry (D), 9 Lombard St. Gorham, ME. Employed by the Gorham School Department as a Facilities Maintenance Technician

How long have you lived in the area?

24 years

What are the major issues facing the legislature and how would you affect the discourse for the benefit of Gorham?

Since I am not in the legislature currently I can’t answer this question as it is stated. However I can tell you why I am running for the House of Representatives. I am running for the house to give Gorham a voice in Augusta to address issues that affect the town and the state as whole. These issues include, but not exclusively, education, housing, job creation, the environment, property tax rates, child care, to name a few.

Candidates for County Commissioner Cumberland County

Candidate’s Personal Information:

Bruce Tarbox (D), 23 Barnfield Lane Gorham. My wife Wendy, 4 Children, 3 Grandchildren. Employment: Cumberland County Government, Retired. Five years SMVTI and Local 567 Electrical Program, obtained Masters Electrical License.

What are the major issues facing the County Commission and how would your ideas and experience contribute to finding solutions?

As the previous Cumberland County facilities director, I have over 23 years of experience and knowledge to contribute to solving these major issues. This includes working with all departments, County manager, Commissioners, finance committee, and elected officials. Major Issues are: HIRING AND RETENTION: I will provide support with the County`s growth and help promote a good work environment. BUDGET: Always a challenge with escalating costs. My knowledge of the County`s Infrastructure, including Capital spending and Planning will be very helpful with budget requests. REGIONAL NEEDS: I will support Cumberland County Regional needs with focus that reaches throughout the County.

Candidate’s Personal Information:

Jean-Marie Caterina (D), 311 Gorham Road, Scarborough – University of Maine. MSW – Boston College. Ten years Scarborough Town Councilor. Real Estate Broker. Former teacher and social worker. Former Asst. Commissioner of Labor.

What are the major issues facing the County Commission and how would your ideas and experience contribute to finding solutions?

I look forward to working for all the people of Cumberland County. My experience in town and state government as well as my background in social work, teaching and private business have prepared me for this varied and important position. Not only am I familiar with the larger communities in District One, but I have also worked and spent time in each of the smaller communities as well, and I understand how important county government services can be. In particular, I want to focus on expanding the county’s efforts in providing mental health services coordination and increasing affordable housing availability.