Daffodils around the lamp post
This year is the first year of the “Plant it Forward” daffodil program with plans to continue for years to come. The “Plant it Forward” initiative is a program that plans to welcome Spring in Gorham by planting daffodils throughout the community. The program’s goal is to create a beautiful display of daffodil flowers in as many Gorham locations as possible as a joy to residents and visitors. This community program is managed by Glenys Sayward and gardener, Linda Faatz.
Starting Saturday, Oct. 14, Giant Yellow Dutch Master Narcissus bulbs can be purchased at the local Gorham Farmers Market. These bulbs will be sold in bundles of 10 for $5 and 100 for $40. These bulbs will be planted this year just before the first frost to give the bulbs time to chill in the soil before springtime for their best bloom.
Businesses, residential, public, and other organizations can participate in this community beautification. Co-manager Linda Faatz is known to have a pronounced knowledge and great love of flowers and gardening. Linda’s knowledge of flowers led her to choose the hardy daffodil for this program as it has a natural beauty and early blooming pattern. Co-manager Glenys Sayward became interested in the daffodil while touring in the United Kingdom. The show-stopping hillside display at the Laurel Hill Cemetery also encouraged Glenys’ interest in beginning the “Plant it Forward” program as a beautiful gift to the Gorham community.
All Gorham businesses and neighborhoods are greatly encouraged to participate in the planting and involve their workers and resources in the process. Bulb planting will be managed and done by volunteers in public locations. Currently, there are plans underway to plant daffodils at the base of the flag pole at Fort Hill, right by the “Welcome to Gorham” sign in order to welcome residents and visitors to the community.
The “Plant it Forward” program is a great way to move into winter, knowing how exciting it will be to see your own flowers planted around Gorham in the Spring. For more information, please contact Glenys Sayward at (207) 756-2309 and saywardglenys@gmail.com, or Linda Faatz at (207) 839-6252 and lfaatz@maine.rr.com.