There’s great news for Gorham folks who enjoy walking, biking and jogging on the Mountain Division Trail, the paved segment of the Sebago to the Sea Trail. Plans to pave the next 5-mile section, from Route 202 in South Windham all the way to East Bridge Street in Westbrook, have taken a big step forward.
The Maine DOT recently announced that Federal money plus a local match totaling $450,000 will fund the necessary feasibility study and engineering toward a paved trail alongside the existing rail-bed. This will grow the paved section to 10 miles.
This is one of the most widely used trails in the area. It travels through beautiful forests with scenic views of the Presumpscot River, Otter Pond and Sebago Lake, as well as access to historic sites like the Gunpowder Mills at Gambo Falls and remnants of the Cumberland Oxford Canal.

The Mountain Division Trail is fun for walkers, bikers and joggers of all ages all year long.
When completed, the 28-mile Sebago to the Sea Trail will run from the shores of Sebago Lake all the way to Portland.
Future plans include expanding the Mountain Division trail to 50 miles, beginning in Fryeburg on the New Hampshire border. Patience will be required, though. This next segment is estimated to take a minimum of 5 years to complete.
Expansion of the rail-trail is possible through the support of the City of Westbrook and the Town of Windham as well as from a broad coalition of partners including the Presumpscot Regional Land Trust, Mountain Division Alliance, Maine Trails Coalition, Bicycle Coalition of Maine, Windham Parks & Recreation, Portland Trails, Westbrook Recreation and Conservation Commission and more.