Signs thank Gorham School Staff during Teacher and Staff Appreciation month in May.
On a recent stormy Sunday afternoon, a group of Gorham residents was out, determined to spread a bit of sunshine in the community.
Hand-painted signs that read “We ♥ Gorham Schools” were erected by the entrances of each of Gorham’s five schools, and lawn signs with the same message were sprinkled around town to ensure that Gorham educators would see the messages of appreciation on their way to work Monday, May 1.
The month of May includes appreciation days for many specific positions in schools, such as principals, school nurses, food service providers, and teachers, so a grassroots group of Gorham parents declared May “Gorham Educator Appreciation Month,” and decided to show their appreciation for the month with the signs. In addition, Partners in Education (PIE) groups have also provided treats and gift cards, and people have been posting messages of appreciation on social media.
The signs were made or bought by the parents, who say they hope to share this kind of message every May. When asked about the $1,000 she spent for the signs, Michelle Littlefied, Gorham resident and mom of two elementary school students, said her hope was that this was an investment in kindness.
“I hope we can remind the educators every year that we appreciate all they do for our kids and community, and remind the community to share their appreciation,” said Littlefield. “We have had so many thank us for the messages, and it’s heartwarming to know Gorham school staff feel seen and appreciated.”
Littlefield went on to explain that the parents will be back out to collect the signs at the end of the month but noted that unfortunately there have been some signs that have been stolen or vandalized, and at least two residents have even gone to the Town Manager to complain about the signs. She said, “While it’s really disappointing to see that some people can’t just let a simple message of gratitude exist in the world, I hope this kind of behavior says more about them and not about our community.”
Superintendent Heather Perry confirmed that the signs have gotten lots of positive mention. “Those signs are great, and just what the staff needed to lift their spirits and know they work in a community that cares about them” said Dr. Perry. “We recently interviewed candidates for positions here in Gorham, and every one of the candidates mentioned the signs as an indication that Gorham would be a great place to work.”
Luci Bowers, literacy specialist at GHS felt grateful to the community members who organized this kind and thoughtful display. She stated, “As you know, teaching is not easy even in the best of times, but it seems especially challenging right now as we are adjusting to life post-COVID while also trying to navigate the sharp divide in which we seem to find ourselves, both locally and nationally. When I looked out my window during a recent downpour and spotted the ever-so-thoughtful, “We Love Gorham Schools” sign in my front yard, I felt a surge of gratitude for the gesture and a renewed sense of pride in my work and my community.”
Families who are interested in joining in the “We ♥ Gorham Schools” effort and to thank our educators are invited to wear Gorham gear or colors and march together in the Gorham Memorial Day parade. More information can be found here.