The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

Fifteen months ago, my colleagues and I walked out of the State House with no idea how long we would be gone or how our lives would change in the coming days. During the months that followed, we worked harder for our communities and the people of Maine than ever before as people were struggling to navigate an inefficient unemployment insurance system, small business loans, changing COVID-19 guidelines, school closures, the loss of child care and so much more.

All these months later, Maine is leading the nation in the number of people who have received a COVID-19 vaccine and, just last week, I happily crowded into the House chamber with my colleagues as we once again met in the State House after months of meeting over Zoom and at the Augusta Civic Center to accommodate social distancing.

Thanks to Maine’s high vaccination rates and lowering COVID-19 cases, the Maine State House has finally reopened to the public. Our ability to return to the State House to conduct our work in person is a testament to our communities’ compassion and determination.

We are now in the home stretch of the legislative session, which is scheduled to adjourn in the middle of June. Of the work we have left to accomplish, passing the second part of the biennial budget is critical. The goal of this budget is to support continued economic recovery and a safe return to life as we knew it before the pandemic. I am advocating for it to include funding for many of the initiatives that you have contacted me about.

Last month, Gov. Mills made an historic announcement that will help get us back on track and provide support to our schools and communities. She plans for the state government to reach 55% of the funding for local K-12 education costs. This investment will support Maine’s students, teachers and school staff, especially as districts look to recover from the pandemic and make plans to restore a sense of consistency and normalcy. In Gorham, this new funding allocation means that our schools will see an extra $1,169,248 for the fiscal year beginning July 1.

Another reason I am a strong supporter of the state funding 55% of local K-12 education costs is that every dollar put toward education at the state level is one less dollar towns need to bring in from property taxes. I have heard from too many of our neighbors that high property taxes are causing undue financial stress, making it difficult to stay in their homes or afford other basic expenses. I look forward to voting for this measure in the coming weeks.

The pandemic has squeezed us all financially and emotionally. This new funding formula will go a long way toward helping our school districts and homeowners. However there is much more that needs to be done, especially when folks are still having trouble paying bills or affording food.

A bill that I introduced this session which would help combat the growing problem of food insecurity in Maine received initial approval from the House of Representatives early this month. LD 1046 creates a checkoff provision on Maine income tax forms to give taxpayers the option of contributing to the emergency food assistance program and establishes a fund to manage the generated revenue. The fund would support grants for food pantries and community hunger prevention programs around the state. This measure provides a meaningful way for folks to support one another on a voluntary basis as we all get back on our feet.

With summer upon us and a sense of normalcy finally returning, the lightness and relief in the air is palpable. There is still much work to do to ensure that our community and Mainers across the state have what they need to rebuild after the pandemic, but I am confident that the measures we have taken thus far have prepared us for a welcome return to normal.

Rep. Maureen “Mo” Terry, D-Gorham, is serving her third term in the Maine House of Representatives. She serves as House Chair of the Taxation Committee. She is a chef and small business owner with more than 25 years of experience in the food service industry. Contact her at