The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

Things are quickly picking up speed in Augusta. During the next two weeks, Legislative committees are scheduled to finish voting on all bills that have been referred to them and an additional session day will be added to the weekly schedule. While our regular committee work is starting to wrap up, the work of several important task forces are just getting started, including the Opioid Task Force.

With the rising spread of the opioid crisis in Maine, the 128th Legislature created the Task Force to Address the Opioid Crisis in the State to focus specifically on this issue. The main objective of the Task Force is for lawmakers and the public to report back to the State Legislature any recommendations, including legislation, that would assist with addressing the opioid crisis Maine faces.

It’s unlikely that there is anyone in Maine who is unaware of or untouched by the ever-increasing opioid crisis. Data from the “Expanded Maine Drug Death Report for 2016” shows that drug-induced deaths have increased significantly from 2015, with a total of 376 deaths in 2016, a 38 percent increase from the previous year. Of those drug-induced deaths, 330 were the result of an overdose.

With an initial report to the Legislature due by April 30, the task force met twice last month to begin their work. To ensure the task force does not duplicate existing efforts and reports, the first two meetings were spent catching members up to speed on the different aspects of the opioid crisis.

The task force was also informed of the relevant legislation proposed this session. Legislative committees have heard or will hear roughly 56 opiate-related pieces of legislation. These proposals range from increasing law enforcement budgets for substance use prevention programs and acquiring additional drug-detecting dogs to creating a pilot program in Washington County to provide treatment and recovery services for substance use disorders. In addition to reviewing legislative efforts within the State, the task force is also tasked with reviewing the work being done in other states in order to see what has and has not worked, or what can be improved upon.

The committee will meet again no later than December 6, 2017. At this meeting the task force will submit a final report with their findings and recommendations, including legislation for consideration during the next session.

The task force is scheduled to meet Friday, June 9 from 1-3:00 pm in room 127 of the State House. If you are interested in hearing updates from the task force, you can subscribe here.

As the work of the Task Force continues, hearing your thoughts on these and other issues is crucial to what we do at the State House. As always, please feel free to contact me with your questions and concerns.

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