GHS Student Intern

Gorham High School (GHS) recently built a security vestibule in the student lobby near the auditorium and sports fields. This was built to enable monitoring of exits and entrances into the building and operate as a check-in point for visitors.

In mid-January, GHS main office secretary Laura Ryan moved into the finished vestibule. Her role will be to check in with visitors via intercom and camera before they enter the building.

The vestibule does not have a window into the entryway as the construction would have caused damage to the art installation of that wall.

Photo credit Andrea Morrell

In October, Michel Chouinard permanently joined the main office staff. For the past few years, Chouinard had been a substitute for the secretaries at the school. She assumed Ryan’s position in the office following the construction of the security vestibule.

“Laura basically oversees the security at the student lobby door and this office oversees the security on this side of the building,” said Chouinard “Then we know exactly who’s in the building and why, and, we have visitor logs on both sides whereas we didn’t used to have that.”

The main office has also welcomed Barbara Quinn-Gagnon, who will be assuming principal secretary Debbie Stirling’s position in the office after her retirement in mid-February.

“Communication is constantly back and forth, just making sure they’re staffed and letting people in,” said Quinn-Gagnon of the main office’s interactions with the security vestibule. “It’s very interactive.”

The main office was built on the opposite side of the building from the student lobby. This separation has posed a general safety concern.

“Many times what will happen is that visitors will come to the school, they’ll check in at the student entrance, they would be let in, and then they would walk the length of the building and have access to the entire space without anyone there to make sure they’re getting to where they need to get to,” said Principal Brian Jandreau.

Photo credit Grace Flynn
Gorham High School secretary Laura Ryan in the new security vestibule, located in the student lobby.

The vestibule was built to mitigate issues like these. Previously, the main office would use security cameras and a speaker to let visitors or students into the student lobby. While this is still possible, the security vestibule allows Ryan to monitor those entering the school more closely and speak to them immediately upon entering.

Additionally, prior to the installation of the vestibule, GHS was grappling with students inside the building opening the doors without permission from the office.

“That’s still a big problem, especially when there are big crowds,” said Ryan. “I have to say to them ‘I need to know who you are, please tell me your names.’ Then, while I’m doing that, kids are opening the doors and I’m saying, ‘You might not know all these people. I have to make sure they go to school here.’ It’s a learning curve, but we’re trying to figure it out.”

The end goal is to have all visitors and students check in at the vestibule. However, since this is a transition from business as usual, check ins are still accepted at either entrance.

This a fresh change for GHS, and Ryan agreed, “I really like it. It’s something different after 18 years for me. It’s kind of refreshing.”