GHS Student Intern

The newest addition to the Gorham Police Department isn’t your typical detective, but rather a furry friend with a black and brown tail. Since August, Officer Erickson has trained and worked with a one-and-a-half-year-old canine named Storm. Whether that be playing ball in a field or learning new tracking techniques, the duo is always doing something together.

In the following months, the young dog will practice and become proficient in standards such as apprehension work, patrol, obedience, article searches, and more. He will eventually be tested and certified through the Criminal Justice Academy as well as a larger, national organization. Until then, he rides around with Officer Erickson and trains during downtime.

Storm was born in Belgium, Germany where he was initially trained. For this reason, lots of his commands are still in German. After this, he traveled across the Atlantic to Florida where he received additional training. Most recently he came to Pennsylvania where he was picked up by Erickson.

The pair will work together until Storm is ready to retire. Healthy police canines normally work for eight to nine years. After his career is over, Erickson will be able to “buy” Storm from the town.

Photo credit: Gorham Police Department
Meet Storm, a 1 1/2 year-old Belgian Malinois.

The Gorham officer explained that although he’s had dogs as pets his whole life, he’s never experienced a bond to quite this extent. Storm doesn’t bark much, but Erickson says that whenever this dog loses sight of his partner for more than ten seconds, he does. Officer Erickson also noted how intelligent Storm already is.

Gorham is so happy to have a new canine unit.