Bus service between GorhamĀ and Portland will begin on Monday, August 27, when the Husky Line makes its inaugural run from the USM Portland campus to Gorham. The first bus will stop on Main Street at about 12:45 p.m. before being greeted with a trumpet flare at the last stop on the Gorham USM campus.

METRO is putting identifying graphics on the buses that will serve the The Husky Line between Portland and Gorham.
The kickoff celebration, scheduled for 11 a.m. at the USM Sullivan Gym in Portland, will include remarks by USM President Glenn Cummings and representatives from Westbrook and Gorham.
The new METRO route will provide frequent service for USM students, staff, and faculty as well as the general public between Portland, Westbrook, Gorham and the two USM campuses. Everyone will ride free on the first three days of service, August 27 through August 29.
For more information, including schedule details, visit gpmetro.org.