The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

Amanda Landry and her husband built their home in Gorham 15 years ago. They have two busy teenagers and two dogs. Photography is a passion Landry pursued 4-1/2 years ago shooting families, students, sports, seniors and so much more.

Photo courtesy of Amanda Landry

She has had the privilege of being involved with many school activities including being a substitute teacher, school volunteer, coach for Gorham youth basketball for eight years, and volunteer photographer for the Gorham Times for about four years. She is also involved with many clubs and boards in the community.

Landry has a dietetic technician degree, and when not taking photos, you will find her working as a patient service representative at a doctor’s office. Landry shared, “I am grateful to be able to create long lasting memories for others with the joy I have found in photography.”

Roger Marchand returned to writing and taking photographs for the Gorham Times in 2014 after a nine-year hiatus while serving on the Gorham School Committee. He previously volunteered for the paper from fall 2000 to November 2004. He retired after 53 years as a teacher and school administrator. He is proud to say that during his time as an educator he had the pleasure of teaching students from kindergarten through graduate school. He was also an administrator in both public and private schools.

He and his wife Peggy have lived in the same house in Gorham for 42 years. Both of his children graduated from the Gorham High School and currently live in Maine after years of studying and working in other parts of the country and overseas.

Photography is a passion for him and has become an integral part of his life. He has taken pictures since his parents initially gave him a Donald Duck camera when he was eight years old. When he finally had more time to himself, he decided to use the camera as an active way of viewing the world around him. He now keeps his camera with him at all times. He looks for color and shadows and how light plays on objects. Reflections, and how they interact with objects, continue to intrigue him.

He’s excited about doing photography for the Gorham Times and is constantly taking pictures around town with the hope that they will be useful for publication. Looking for that place that no one seems to pay attention to, or is just not usually noticed, is what he’s looking for as a focus for the Gorham Sightings feature of the paper.

Thank you Amanda and Roger!