State Representative Kyle Bailey has announced his resignation from House District 27, which includes part of Gorham, effective October 15, 2021. A special election is expected to take place sometime in the next few months.

Kyle Bailey
“Serving the citizens of Gorham and Scarborough in the Maine House of Representatives for the past year has been the privilege of a lifetime, and I am incredibly grateful to have had this opportunity,” said Bailey. “Due to an exciting professional opportunity that has arisen recently, I am unable to complete my full term as State Representative.”
Former State Senator Jim Boyle, a Democrat from Gorham, has announced his candidacy for the expected special election in House District 27. Boyle served as State Senator from Gorham from 2012 through 2014 and owns and operates a successful environmental consulting firm based in Gorham, where he works with Maine companies to protect the state’s natural resources.

Jim Boyle
“I’m sorry to see Kyle leave office early and I want to extend my gratitude for his public service. I’m excited for the opportunity to serve the people of Gorham and Scarborough once again,” said Boyle. “Serving in the State Senate was an honor, and I would be humbled to be nominated to run to serve our communities again.”
When there is a vacancy in the office of Representative to the Legislature, the municipal officers of any municipality affected by the vacancy may inform the Governor if there is a need to fill the vacancy before the next general election, and the Governor shall issue a proclamation declaring the vacancy and ordering a special election under section 366.
The Governor shall order the appropriate political committees to meet and shall set the deadline for choosing nominees, which may not be less than 15 days following the Governor’s proclamation declaring a vacancy. The committees shall follow the procedure outlined in section 363.
As Kyle Bailey represents both Scarborough and Gorham, there will be an item on the next Scarborough Town Council agenda for November 3, requesting the Governor call for a special election. The cost of the election will be the same as a regular election due to the need to obtain ballots, code the DS-200 machine and hire election workers.