School News Editor

Photo credit: Becky Fortier, Principal at Great Falls School
Student artwork purchased by parents to fund a donation to the Gorham Food Pantry.

In a wonderful initiative to cultivate compassion and kindness throughout the community, Great Falls School has launched monthly DECK Days (Drop Everything and Cultivate Kindness). This program brings together students, staff, and families in meaningful acts of service and connection.

Each month, a DECK Day focuses on a specific theme, with activities ranging from student-led book walks and community collections to special events. The inaugural DECK Day in December centered on warmth, featuring a story walk based on “Winter, A Solstice Story” and classroom discussions about helping those in need.

Photo credit: Becky Fortier, Principal at Great Falls School
Counselor Ellen Berry leads students through one of the stations of the story walk highlighting kindness.

January’s DECK Day, aptly titled “Kindness in Clay,” saw students crafting ceramic pieces and raising funds for both the Gorham Food Pantry and future school kindness projects. Inspired by “The Empty Bowl Project,” this initiative highlighted the issue of hunger and encouraged empathy.

“We believe that by providing opportunities for students to come together and do good for others, we can create a more inclusive, positive, and compassionate school community,” shared Becky Fortier, a driving force behind DECK Days.

The positive impact on the school is undeniable. The community’s generosity for “Kindness in Clay” was overwhelming, and students gained valuable lessons about giving back.

The next DECK Day is scheduled for Feb. 16, promising another opportunity to spread kindness. “Together, we can create a kinder, more compassionate world,” Fortier emphasizes. “DECK Days are a reminder that kindness matters, not just on special days, but every day.”

Great Falls School’s DECK Days initiative provides a heartwarming model for fostering community spirit and inspiring acts of kindness, both within the school walls and beyond. As the program continues, its impact on cultivating a more compassionate Great Falls is sure to leave a lasting impression.