At the March 4 meeting of the Gorham Town Council, there were 30 members of the public in attendance, and all seven councilors. The minutes from the Feb. 4 meeting were accepted (7-0)
In open public communications, resident Ken Curtis voiced concern about current Gorham resource issues along with increased need by adding more housing developments. Resident Camille Sao expressed appreciation for the council’s consideration when voting on the Shaw Brothers Quarry expansion.
Councilor communication included Councilor Siegel’s praise of the Baxter Memorial Library’s Baby and Toddler Story Times. Councilor Lavoie announced the next Finance Committee meeting. Councilor Willis reported his attendance at the 2025 MEREDA conference with some members of the GEDC and local businesses.
Councilor Kuech said she was dressed in an “Edward the Owl” outfit for “Read Across America” day and encouraged residents to come read with children in their classroom. Councilor Gagnon reminded residents to set the clocks ahead on Sunday, March 9, and to change the batteries in smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors at the same time. Chairperson Phillips announced Maine Maple Weekend on March 22 and 23 and to be aware that traffic will be heavy in some areas of town.
Town Manager Parashak reported that department heads are working on their budgets for presentation in April. He said he was looking forward to working with the School Department on theirs. Other reminders included ongoing town-wide winter parking bans, and surveys on the town website requesting input on Gorham’s Open Space & Trails Master Plan.
School Committee Chair Sarah Perkins reported on Kindergarten Information Nights, Pre-K Enrollment, the March 10 Eat and Learn Event at GHS, The Fiscal Sustainability Committee, a temporary solution for the Tennis Courts, and the budget workshop series, 7 p.m., March 11, 17, 24, and 31, with a vote taking place at the April 9 regular meeting.
Public hearings and council actions included:
-Public Hearing #1: A proposal to issue a renewal Massage License to Natalie Bagley had no comments in the public hearing. Voted (6 yeas, 1 abstention: Lavoie)
-Public Hearing #2: A proposal to create a contract zone on 170+/- acres of the Gorham Country Club. Concerns were heard from several residents from Mahlon Ave and McLellan Road about increased traffic issues, overcrowding of schools, and long-term impact, as well as one Mahlon Ave. resident who spoke in support of the contract zone and more housing in the development. Voted to table the order for a month (2 – 5 Gagnon, Kuech, Willis, Lavoie, Siegel). Voted to create the contract zone (4 – 3 Simms, Gagnon, Phillips).
-Public Hearing #3: A proposal to create a contract zone to support an agritourism venue at 64 Flaggy Meadow Road, with no comments from the public. Voted (6 – 1, Gagnon).
-Public Hearing #4: A proposal to make revisions to current zoning to include Gorham Village Center District, Little Falls Village Center District, Urban Commercial, Development Transfer Overlay, and Office Residential Districts to amend setbacks, impervious surface ratios, and building heights in support of economic development. There were no comments from the public. Voted with amendments (5 – 2).
-An action to forward to the Planning Board the termination of a contract zone agreement for 34 County Road, 15.69 acres on Map 6, Lot 14 at the request of the current property. Voted (6 – 1, Gagnon)
-An action to consider 2025-2026 Board and Committee appointments:
- Planning Board: Russell Frank, David Walsh, Stephen Crisafulli;
- GEDC: Peter Mason, Mark Curtis, Benjamin Gilman;
- Board of Appeals: Gary Baca, Michael Weisman, Craig Stirling;
- Fair Hearing Board: Timothy Farwell;
- Conservation Commission: William Moreno, Thomas Mazza, Stephen Rowe;
- Board of Trustees, Baxter Memorial Library: Keith Potts, Geraldine Day, Virginia Wilder Cross;
- Historic Preservation Commission: Lawrence Peterson, Linda Whitten;
- Board of Voter Registration Appeals: Sara Fleming;
- Board of Assessment Review: Marilyn Amoroso;
- Revolving Loan Fund Committee: Jeremy Hankin, April Edwards;
- Board of Health: Katherine Garrard. Voted (7 – 0).
-An action to accept a warranty deed from Thomas Biegel and Kristine Biegel to the Town of Gorham with regard to a portion of the property located off Elkins Road, for a turnaround, conditioned upon the Grantors preparing and providing the deed and other necessary documents related to the conveyance, subject to review by the Town Attorney, meeting all applicable road requirements as set forth in the Land Use and Development Code. Voted (7 – 0).
-An action for the Ordinance Committee to discuss guidelines for the creation of an Affordable Housing Committee (five to nine members) to provide recommendations to the Council to improve affordable housing in the community. The Council will approve guidelines and bylaws for the committee once a committee is seated. Voted (7 – 0).
-An action to set an August workshop to discuss Smart Growth concepts. Voted (7 – 0).
-An action to ask the Ordinance Committee to review reducing and/ or eliminating traffic generation requirements for accessory dwelling units on private ways. Voted (7 – 0),
-An action to accept the Finance Committee’s recommendation that online permitting software be used to bundle permit applications in a projected roll-out in 2025. Voted (7 – 0).
-An action to consider adopting Town Council goals as outlined during the January 2025 Goal Setting Workshop for the 2025 year. Voted (7 – 0).
The Town Council report provides a summary of the actual meeting. Readers are encouraged to visit the Town of Gorham website for the complete meeting minutes and to view the full video of the meeting.