GHS Senior Megan Young was awarded the Gorham Times Scholarship for 2022. Young volunteered time as a student writer for the Gorham Times.

This was the first year Young interned for the paper. She was a great liaison between the schools and the paper, always a dependable, hard-working member of our team. Even when a story was requested at the last minute, she would produce an excellent article.

“Megan contributed many pieces to help us bring interesting stories of the young members of our community to the paper. She was also writing for the Aspire Newsletter at GHS. Her writing was informative and well-written, and she always met her deadline, often having new pieces submitted well before deadline. It was such an honor to work with Megan and I know she will be successful in anything she endeavors to do,” said Christie Paul, outgoing Gorham Times editor.

Gorham Times Staff would like to extend a huge thank you to Young and wish her well in the next steps of her journey.