The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

Erin Wentworth was the recipient of the Gorham Times Scholarship after interning for the paper for three years. She began interning in the fall of 2016 and contributed several articles each year, always willing to take on any assignment with enthusiasm.

Andrea Morrell, School News Editor, said, “Erin was one of my go-to student interns. She willingly took on any assignment that I asked of her despite her busy school and extra-curricular schedule. Her articles were well-written, thorough, and met AP-style writing. I was always confident that her deadlines would be met and all sides and angles of the story would be told. We will miss her at the Times and know her future is bright.”

Wentworth will attend the University of New Hampshire where she will study music education. We wish her all the best of luck in her future endeavors.

The Martha T. Harris Memorial Scholarships were awarded to Drew Meader and Georgia Banks, Harris’ granddaughter. Harris, a life-long Gorham resident, as well as a founding member of the Gorham Times, died unexpectedly in 2013 from complications during chemotherapy.

When speaking about the recipients and of Harris, her daughter, Jennifer Banks, said, “Both students are very loved by me and I am daily proud of the adults that they are becoming and know that they will both make this world a better place in the lives that they touch. I am thrilled to stand here tonight to give a little piece of her memory to them.”

Meader will be attending Thomas College and Banks is headed to the University of Maine in Farmington.