The frigid cold of the last week in December set the ice for excellent skating at three rinks in Gorham. Narragansett Ice Skating Rink is at 284 Main Street. The Cherry Hill Farm Rink is off Route 25 near Sebago Brewing. The rink at Little Falls is behind the Old Robie School on Gray Road.
During the winter, the ice is not always ready for skating. If it’s not cold enough and the ice is not fully set, walking on it, or trying to shovel it off can be dangerous, but it can also leave footprints, shovel tracks, and other imperfections that will freeze into the surface, which is less than ideal for skating. So, Gorham Rec. asks that we keep off the ice until it’s ideal.

Gorham Recreation Department offers skate rentals for $5 per pair, or $15/weekend. The office is open Tuesday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. If you have your own skates, skating is free at these locations.

We found some friends gathered for night ice skating under the lights at Shaw Cherry Hill Farm. The ice is right next to the parking lot off Route 25.