GHS Student Intern

The Gorham Food Pantry, situated right next St. Anne’s Church, has worked for over 25 years to assist Gorham residents. Their mission is to serve the needs of hungry families and individuals in our community with supplemental food. In addition to regularly providing food for townspeople throughout the year, they also provide special Thanksgiving baskets in November.

Each year, the number of requested baskets increases, most recently due to COVID-19. Even though the pandemic is nearly four years behind us, the Pantry is still feeling some effects. This Thanksgiving, the total estimate is up to 150 baskets. The holiday season and cold months can be particularly difficult for people, but with the help of fellow Gorham residents, the Pantry can make these times a little easier.

Recently, the Pantry has set up a Venmo account and would love help from the Gorham community in funding these baskets. Willing participants can commit to providing a turkey, or even a full basket for a family of two, four, or more. The electronically collected money will go towards the food and set-up of the baskets, which will be assembled by Pantry volunteers during the week of Nov. 13-17. Clients receiving baskets will pick up their goods on Saturday, Nov. 18.

Leftover funds in the account will go directly towards the purchase of food for regular Pantry days. Pantry days are on Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

If you’re interested in joining the effort and helping out some neighbors, you can scan the Venmo QR code in the Gorham Food Pantry’s advertisement in this current Gorham Times issue. Be on the lookout for posters in your favorite local businesses, as flyers with the QR code will be posted around town as well. You can also directly Venmo the pantry @GorhamFoodPantry. As always, cash and checks are welcome.