Gorham High School will follow last year’s mega hit musical “Mamma Mia,” with “Little Shop of Horrors” the first two weekends in February. The musical tells the story of Seymour, a young flower store worker who buys an exotic plant with an unusual diet. The show is directed by Joshua Hurd, the musical director is Matthew Murray, Mariel Roy is the choreographer, and the producer is Jocelyn Miller. Shows are scheduled for Jan. 31, Feb. 1, 7 and 8 at 7p.m. and Feb. 2 and 8 at 2p.m.
Josh Hurd explained, “This play provides a minimal script of only 12 actors, and in order to involve as many students as possible, we have made the decision to expand to 34 roles. In addition, the show is bringing a Broadway Star to the GHS stage to take part in the production. Working with Monkey Boy Productions out of Pennsylvania, we are using the 2003 Broadway Version of the man-eating play herself – Audrey II. The larger-than-life puppets will arrive in Gorham in January for a month of rehearsal time.”
“In addition, if you or your business are interested in being a part of this production, please reach to Jocelyn Miller at jocelyn.miller@gorhamschools.org.”
This show is sure to be a hit and one of the highlights of the school year. Don’t miss it. Cast List:
- Seymour, Zack Bourgoin
- Audrey, Ally Gossen
- Mr. Mushnik, Logan Mills
- Audrey II (Voice), Noah Williams
- Audrey II (Puppet), Daniel LaBarge Orin, Alex Tukey
- Crystal 1 (High), Sofia Andrade
- Ronnette 1 (low), Elle Woodman
- Chiffon 1 (middle), Ella Senatore
- Crystal 2 (high), Sadie Woodman
- Ronnette 2 (low), Olivia Kennedy
- Chiffon 2 (middle), Gracey MacDonald
- Customer 1, Daniel LaBarge
- Customer 2, Rigel Arlet
- Customer 3, Abigail McCrillis Bernstein, Aaron Samara
- Mrs. Luce, Izzy Phinney
- Skip Snip, Finn Senatore
- Mr. Martin, Dekarai St. Germain-Simms
- Ensemble, Doria Crockett
- Ensemble, Laurali Vail
- Ensemble, Jade Tibbetts
- Ensemble, Kasey Plaud
- Ensemble, Elle Rector
- Ensemble, Sophia Proulx
- Ensemble, Isla Rutherford
- Ensemble, Lucy Ciampa
- Ensemble, Anaiah Brown
- Ensemble, Hannah Martel
- Ensemble, Fiona Lane
- Ensemble, Clover Mae Bayly-Schram
- Ensemble, Caroline Jones
- Ensemble, Clover Brown
- Ensemble, Alexander LaBarge