Pictured (left to right) Front row: Lillian Miner, Sammi Barlow, Hailee Willey, and Maeve Donnelly; Back Row: art teacher Chris Crosby, Emma Mathews, Ruby Soule, Claudette Wesse, and art teacher Sarah Dolley. Missing are Kylie Foley, Ellie Keil & Rylee Tenuta
The Gorham High School art department of Chris Crosby and Sarah Dolley would like to recognize 10 artists for being selected to compete in the annual Gorham Woman’s Club Art Show.
Senior Hailee Willey’s portraiture painting placed 1st, Junior Sammi Barlow’s colored pencil composition of manikins placed 2nd, Senior Maeve Donnelly’s digital portrait placed 3rd and Senior Lillian Miner’s oil pastel observational composition placed 4th. These artists then competed at the District and State level competitions and received more accolades; Maeve placed 1st at the District level and Sammi placed 3rd at the State level.