The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

The Town Council will be moving forward with a full-time Economic Development Director. The full time position is to be offered to Tom Ellsworth, who is currently performing the job in a part-time capacity. The position will report to Tom Poirier, Director of Community Development, as outlined in the Town Manager’s budget.

The Board will continue to have the ability to provide direction for this position and the overall economic development goals for Gorham. No changes are proposed in how the Economic Development Director and the Gorham Economic Development Corporation (GEDC) currently interact but Town staff would greatly appreciate input from the GEDC on what additional tools/resources the group feels would be beneficial for the full-time position and what economic development activities need more attention from a full-time position. Ellsworth will have an office and meeting space at the Municipal Center and will have regular office hours of a typical Town Department.

The Town staff sees the full-time position providing better support for all the economic development efforts currently underway by the GEDC and the Town such as: Gorham Village Alliance, promoting availability of the Narragansett Development District parcels, reaching out to assist current industrial/commercial businesses currently in Gorham, helping develop and promote the next industrial park (MP Rines Parcel), and promote Gorham’s Economic Development activities on a local and regional level.