According to USDA.gov, 9.5% of Maine households suffered from food insecurity between 2019-2021. The holidays will soon be upon us, and the Gorham Food Pantry is beginning to plan for Thanksgiving meals for families in the Gorham community. The Gorham Hannaford has generously partnered with the Pantry to offer space in the parking lot on Saturday, October
29 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Volunteers will be collecting traditional food items for Thanksgiving dinner such as onions, carrots & squash, stuffing mix, cranberry sauce, gravy and more. Additionally, they’ll be accepting monetary donations to shop for additional items and to cover gift cards for families to purchase their meat and dairy items for dinner.
On Saturday morning, October 29, shoppers can drop off purchases for Thanksgiving baskets either in the parking lot at the Gorham Hannaford or at the Pantry, located in the parking lot at St. Anne’s. Many donors place a Hannaford to Go order that morning and swing it by the tent as they exit Hannaford.
Pantry volunteers will have a shopping list available at the tent on the morning of the drive, and it also can be found in the advertisement section in this edition of the Gorham Times.
The Pantry continues to be grateful for the support of local businesses, donors and volunteers who are helping to feed our neighbors right here in Gorham. The pantry is
open every Thursday morning from 10 a.m. to 12 noon and is free to any Gorham resident in need; residents can reach out confidentially by calling 222-4351, visiting www.gorhamfoodpantry.org or by messaging the Pantry on Facebook at Gorham Food Pantry Friends.