Evan Chambers, the son of Carl and Mary Lou Chambers, recently achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. He has been in scouting in Gorham for the past 10 years. He started in first grade in Cub Scout Pack 74 and is currently part of Boy Scout Troop 817 led by Scout Master Ed White.

For his Eagle project, Evan acquired used bicycle donations throughout the community. With the assistance of other Boy Scouts in his troop, he inspected, repaired and distributed them to clients of the Gorham Food Pantry. He gave out a total of 28 bicycles.

Deb Tanguay, Director of the Gorham Food Pantry, said, “It was obvious Evan put a lot of time and effort into this project. Both kids and adults in our community benefited from this thoughtful endeavor, and it was great to see the faces on the Pantry clients when they received the bikes.”

Chambers is a junior at Gorham High School. He has taught beginner computer skills for Gorham Adult Education and also helps repair computers at the Gorham Middle School. He works part time at Standish Hardware and seasonally at Ossippee Trail Garden Center.

In his spare time, Chambers enjoys snowmobiling and mountain biking.