The Gorham Town Council is pleased to announce the selection of Ephrem Paraschak as its next Town Manager. Ephrem was previously employed by the Town of Gorham as a Compliance Coordinator from 2007 to 2008. He has a Masters of Public Policy in Public Finance and Management from the Muskie School at the University of Southern Maine in Portland. Ephrem has nine years of Town Manager experience with the last three as Town Manager of Naples.
The selection process was very competitive and the Council was pleased with the number of qualified candidates that were interviewed. Ephrem was selected from a field of 29 applicants in a national search which began in March with the assistance of Eaton Peabody Consulting Group.

The Council and Mr. Paraschak have reached a tentative agreement on a contract with a starting salary of $110,000. The Council will vote on the selection of its Town Manager and approval of a contract at its next regular meeting scheduled for July 11 at 6:30 p.m.
Ephrem’s starting date is September 1, after the departure of David Cole, who is retiring after 23 years as Town Manager of Gorham.