The Gorham Times, Gorham, Maine's Community Newspaper

There’s a lot going on in each of our lives these days with the holiday season here. Between balancing time with friends and family, volunteering or buying gifts for loved ones, it can be a fun but also hectic time. Beyond the holidays and all our commitments, however, there’s another thing you should remember before the year ends: Open Enrollment.

You’ve probably heard this before, but as a refresher, Open Enrollment is the set period of time each year when folks who don’t get their health insurance through work can shop for new coverage plans through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplace. Lasting from Nov. 1 to Jan. 15, these few weeks are a critically important time, since you won’t be able to purchase an insurance plan on the marketplace at another point of the year unless you qualify for a special enrollment period.

Though Open Enrollment isn’t new to us here in Maine, there are some positive changes that you should be aware of. This year, instead of utilizing the federal marketplace as we have done in previous years, we now have our own Maine-based insurance exchange called!

In 2019, the Legislature passed a law that set the process in motion for Maine to establish its own marketplace, and now, it’s up, running and saving Mainers money. is designed specifically for folks right here in Maine, not for the whole country. I’m thankful that we now have our own marketplace that’s built to address the unique needs Mainers face.

Health insurance is now more affordable than ever through the marketplace. Thanks to increased federal aid, roughly 80 percent of Mainers will be able to qualify for some sort of financial assistance. Even if you haven’t qualified for subsidies in the past, it’s time to look once again.

I know that for some, finding coverage through the marketplace can seem like a daunting task. Thankfully, there are people here to help. Maine Consumers for Affordable Health Care is an organization whose sole mission is to help Mainers find – and understand – health coverage. They operate a free consumer assistance helpline from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, and you can call them at 1-800-965-7476.

This past year, I sponsored a bill to provide continued funding for this important service. The bill was signed into law by the governor, and will ensure that Mainers can continue to access unbiased, professional advice when it comes to their health coverage.

In the Legislature, I am fortunate to serve on the Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services Committee, where we work to expand access to health care and ensure that all Mainers can afford the medications that they need. During the previous legislative session, we passed new laws to increase transparency in prescription drug pricing; to establish the Office of Affordable Health Care, which will help our state identify causes and solutions to out of control costs; and created a new lifesaving emergency insulin program, which will help prevent a worst-case scenario of someone dying because they couldn’t afford their insulin that month.

I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished, but I know there’s more to be done. Whether you get your insurance through the marketplace or through your job, my colleagues and I are working each and every day to ensure that no matter your income or where you live, that you can access quality, affordable care. Everyone deserves that ability.

Don’t ever hesitate to contact me if I can be of assistance to you. You can send me an email at or call my office at 287-1515.

Stacy Brenner is serving her first term in the Maine Senate, representing Senate District 30, which includes Gorham, part of Buxton, and part of Scarborough. She is the co-owner of Broadturn Farm in Scarborough and is also a certified nurse-midwife.