The Great Falls Elementary School Civil Rights Team has been hard at work already this fall. The Civil Rights Team is a school-based project supported by the Maine Department of Education that engages our school community, through education and awareness efforts, in thinking and talking about the six protected categories under the Maine Civil Rights Act (race/ color, national origin and ancestry, religion, disabilities, gender, and sexual orientation).
At Great Falls, the team is made up of forty fourth- and fifth-graders. The students meet as a team two times each month, with the primary purpose to ensure the school culture and climate is one that will actively prevent bias-based behaviors in our school community and the larger community of Gorham.

Last week a group of students from
the Civil Rights team presented on the Day of Welcome to the Gorham School Committee. The members who presented were (from left to right) Amelia Palme, Grace Schucker, Deklyn Rollins, Graham Hebert, Silas Flemming, Quinn Cuneo
On Friday, November 4, schools all across the state, including Great Falls, celebrated the Day of Welcome. The Day of Welcome is a celebration of inclusion, kindness, and togetherness, all things our students demonstrate each day at Great Falls. The Civil Rights Team is committed to spreading the very important message that ALL ARE WELCOME.
During the remainder of the school year, the Great Falls Civil Rights Team will cover many important topics. From November through January we will focus on disability awareness, inclusion, and celebrations of lights around the world. From February on, we will dive into Black History Month, Women’s History Month, gender stereotypes, and other religious holidays and traditions.