The Gorham Times staff extends our gratitude to Andrea Morrell as she steps down from the role of School News Editor. Morrell has been an instrumental part of the Gorham Times family since she began as the first student intern 26 years ago.

Morrell wrote for the paper while she was in college, then came back to the paper in the role of Editor when she moved back to Gorham while her family was young.

“I love Gorham. My husband, Andy, and I grew up here and chose to move back and raise our children, Dylan and Caroline, here. They are the fifth generation on my husband’s side to go to Gorham schools. There have been many significant changes to Gorham in those five generations. I love seeing old photos of our town and how much it has changed from our great-grandparents’ day to my childhood to what my children are now experiencing,” she said.

Eight years ago, Morrell joined the Gorham Times again as School News Editor. She enjoyed this role, especially with two children attending Gorham High School (GHS).

She also enjoyed working with the high school interns as part of this role and watching them grow as writers and people.

Now her oldest is a senior at GHS, and it is time to move on to focus on the joys and challenges that come with this chapter of life. Thank you, Andrea, for your years of service to the Gorham Times.

“I’ve found comfort in writing and editing for this paper on and off since its first publication in 1995. Even though I’m transitioning out of my current role I have no doubt I will circle back to it down the road as I always seem to do. I am so thankful for all the years I’ve had to be a part of this wonderful Gorham Times community of volunteers who also love this town. I’ll miss it,” said Morrell.

Christie Paul, Editor:

Andrea was helpful, encouraging, always great at meeting deadlines, and a wonderful support in my first year at the paper. I am so glad she was part of the first group I worked with. She taught me so much.

Mike Smith, Board President:

A wonderful contributor over many years for the paper and a great resource. She will be missed.

Kathy Corbett, School News Reporter and Staff Writer:

I have enjoyed working with Andrea. Since I began writing articles about Gorham Schools, she has been generous with her advice and support. We will miss her.

Chris Crawford, Features Editor and Staff Writer:

It has been a great personal pleasure to work with Andrea. Years ago, she was one of my dedicated library volunteers at Village School. As an adult, she’s done a great job making sure that School News was a key part of the Gorham Times. I will miss you.

Stacy Sallinen, Former Gorham Times Business Manager:

Andrea has been a long-time volunteer of the Gorham Times, starting from her days as an intern while in high school. She always brought her love of all things Gorham to the table. Her insight was invaluable. Thank you, Andrea!