The Town of Gorham is currently working with the Maine Department of Transportation to improve the traffic signals at the intersection of Main Street, Elm…
With the start of the new year comes the beginning of the next legislative session in Augusta. My colleagues and I were sworn into office…
Officer Wayne Drown of the Gorham Police Department paused for a moment after laying a wreath at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall during the Wreaths…
Susan Duchaine, 166 Narragansett Street, voiced her concerns over the recent changes to the Narragansett Development District. Steven Bibula, Orchard Ridge Farm, addressed his opinion…
Last week, the new Legislature was sworn in to serve our districts all over the state. When Maine voters went to the polls in November…
With his relaxed but earnest manner familiar to people in Gorham, Shawn Moody looked back on his recent run for governor of Maine. Although Moody…
On Wednesday, November 7 my life changed. I went from someone many looked to as possibly the first female Republican Senate President to someone facing…
A plaque was presented to Councilor Benner for her six years on the Gorham Town Council. Gorham Town Clerk, Laurie Nordfors, administered the oath of…
The Gorham Fire Department will be offering a fire sprinkler inspection class on December 1 at 8:30 a.m. in the Gorham Fire Central Station Training…
In Gorham, 6,100 voters made it to the polls on Election Day, while 2,909 voted absentee. Nearly 600 residents registered to vote at the polls…