In September 2017, Kristifer Hutchins, 33, of Standish, was indicted for embezzling $150,000 over the course of three years from Gorham-based business, Southern Maine Firewood,…
Mobile Vending Units (MVU), commonly referred to as food trucks, were approved for Gorham in March. To date, only one permit has been pulled for…
Many Gorham residents may be unfamiliar with the second Goodwill store in town, which is nothing like the traditional, smaller Goodwill store in the center…
Becky Winslow of Gorham Savings Bank has been named the Gorham Business Exchange’s Business Person of the Year for 2018. The GBE looks to honor one…
On April 18, Montalvo Corporation, located in the Gorham Industrial Park, was awarded Phase II of a National Science Foundation (NSF) Small Business Innovation Research…
The USM Field House was bustling with activity for the annual Marketplace held this year on March 31. Marketplace showcases quality products and services available…
9Round is a global fitness brand with more than 700 locations in 18 countries. Maine’s very first 9Round is now open right here in Gorham at…
While the weather is being fickle, making us wonder when spring will finally arrive; there is one event that we know marks the start of spring—the…
Mobile Vending Units (MVU) commonly referred to as food trucks have been approved for Gorham. Both the Planning Board and the Economic Development Corporation recommended…
Perched high on a platform overlooking shiny brew kettles and tanks, next to a windowed view of adjacent fields, Tom Abercrombie, Brewmaster at Sebago Brewing Company’s…