Eleanor Sato – Dem

14 Dragonfly Lane

Education: Graduated summa cum laude with a BFA in dance and a minor in political science from Fordham University and Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater.

Employment: I’m a former legislative aide, professional dancer, and bartender.

Personal: I currently live in a multigenerational home with my cat, Pazu.

Why should citizens vote for you?

I have the professional expertise and the lived experience to be an effective representative for our community. I know how to navigate the State House well from my experience as a legislative aide, but I also know what it’s like to struggle to make ends meet. I used to work multiple jobs just to pay rent and put food on the table, which is why I care about fighting for working- and middle-class families, addressing the housing crisis, and working to lower the cost of prescription drugs. I’m here to listen and ensure that Gorham has a voice in Augusta.

Alan R. Livingston – Rep

3 Cottage Court

Education: UMaine Orono, B.A. mathematics, baseball captain

Employment: 42 year high school math teacher, baseball and basketball coach, intramural director. 24 year college math professor, high school and college basketball official; member of ethics committee

Civic experience: City counselor, Board of Education, High School Construction Committee; American Legion Baseball Commissioner, tournament director; Maine Principals Baseball Committee

Personal: Lifelong Mainer; married to wife Anne for 54 years, 3 adult children, 6 grandchildren

Why should citizens vote for you?

As a retired lifelong teacher, I have the time to invest in the responsibilities of this office. With the ability to communicate with citizens from all backgrounds, and relationships with many generations of Maine citizens, I will listen to their concerns and represent our constituents with common sense when making decisions that affect their lives. I am committed to focusing on legislation to reduce electricity costs, lower property taxes, and expand housing opportunities for Maine families. I don’t consider myself a “politician” but rather a concerned citizen who wants to help grow Maine’s economy.