USM Student Intern

The Board of Health met on Feb. 15 at 6 p.m. In attendance was Dr. Colby Wyatt, Eric Thistle, Melissa Vanmeter and Councilor Virginia Wilder Cross.

Eric Thistle was elected as chair with a unanimous vote. Melissa Vanmeter recorded the meeting minutes and shared her experience and role as chairperson. Colby Wyatt provided some history on the Gorham Board of Health.

Councilor Wilder Cross opened a discussion on the sale of flavored nicotine at various locations in Gorham, referring to the recent ban on flavored nicotine products by South Portland and other Maine cities and towns. Dr. Wyatt reported on the effects of flavored nicotine tobacco on teens and children, and will also be sharing with the board an article he wrote about edible marijuana products and accidental ingestion.

The Board plans to review the evidence regarding the flavored nicotine products, as well as the process to bring a proposal to the Town Council.

The meeting was adjourned at 7 p.m. The next Board of Health meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 29 at 6 p.m.