The Gorham Times is a nonprofit corporation, funded by advertising revenue, subscriptions, and donations. The August 1995 start-up was supported by generous contributions from many Gorham, Maine residents, business people, and advertisers.

The foremost goal of The Gorham Times is to “Bring the News to all of Gorham.” The Staff and Board are dedicated to providing quality Gorham-related news coverage and exceptional customer service to its advertisers and readers.

The Gorham Times is published every other Thursday. It reflects the many components of our town with news stories and feature articles about local government, schools, organizations, and people. It does not take an editorial stance but does encourage the airing of different viewpoints by providing a forum for fair-minded discussion.

Letters to the Editor must be fewer than 300 words, signed with a first and last name, typed or e-mailed, and include a phone number. The Gorham Times reserves the right not to publish letters that include personal attacks or inflammatory language. Letters are solely the opinion of the writer and not that of the Gorham Times. They are published at the discretion of the Gorham Times and are subject to editing.

Our publication schedule is listed here.

Volunteers Welcomed!

We welcome new writers, student interns, photographers, and ​distribution team members. If you or someone you know are interested in volunteering to help the paper in these ways, ​please contact us.

Thank you to all of our volunteers, past and present, who have helped us “Bring the News to all of Gorham” for nearly 30 years!


General Counsel: Bruce Hepler
Managing Editor: Lori Arsenault
Advertising Coordinator: Lori Arsenault
Advertising Design: Megan Levesque
Layout Design: Molly Lortie
Staff Writers: Jacob Adams, Donna Aikins, Lisa Becker, Kerry Constantino, Kathy Corbett, Kelli Deveaux, John Ersek, Sheri Faber, JoAnn Leib, Krista Nadeau, Patrick and Cindy O’Shea, Helen Stanbro.
GHS Interns: Lucia Monaco Holloway

Chris Crawford
Photographers: Roger Marchand
Public Service Announcements: Lori Arsenault
Sports: Katie Brown
School News: Michael Lortie
Social Media Coordinator: Lori Arsenault
Digital Content Manager: Bailey O’Brien
Webmaster: Judi Jones
Distribution Coordinator: Russ Frank

Distribution: Ruth Covell, Cindy Coombs, Chris Crawford, Dan Fenton, Russ Frank, Chris Kimball, Chuck Miller, Kris Miller, Dick Peterson, John Richard, Richard Ruth, Nancy Thompson
Board of Directors: Aaron Chadbourne (President), Kate Thomas (Secretary), Erica Roberts (Treasurer), Thomas Biegel (Past President), KG Wentworth, Sheri Faber, Debbie Stirling, Erica Roberts, Mary Snell
Founder: Maynard Charron