For the tenth straight year, a free meal will be offered at Mr. Bagel in Gorham at noon on Thanksgiving Day, November 28, to those who either find themselves alone on the holiday or are unable to prepare a meal. Last year, over 100 meals were provided; the majority were delivered to local residents.
The meal is organized and funded solely by volunteers, led by Roxanne Moody, while Mr. Bagel generously provides the use of its space for prepping and serving. Volunteers from the community, including the Gorham Fire Department, cooked 150 pounds of turkey and prepped 50 poundsĀ of potatoes in addition to making squash, rolls, pies and all the fixings last year.

Volunteers help prep for a free Thanksgiving meal offered to local residents each year.
Public safety workers are invited for free coffee, cider and homemade donuts from 9-10:30 a.m. as way to thank them for their service to the community.
The meal is free but donations are accepted for the Gorham Food Pantry. A total of $932 was donated to the Pantry last year.
Delivery is available within a 15-mile radius of Gorham for those who are housebound. FMI, Roxanne Hanscom Moody, 839-4516 or Please be prepared to leave a message with your name and phone number.