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Wednesday, Jan. 5, marked the first day of the second regular session of the 130th Maine Legislature. Lawmakers from across the state once again traveled to the State House in Augusta to formally kick off our work for the coming months. The day is largely a ceremonial one that signals the start of a new session, but nevertheless we arrived refreshed and ready to work on behalf of our constituents who sent us to represent them.

For me, being in the State House always serves as a good reminder of the gravity of the work we do and the ability we have to make positive changes in people’s lives. Now that the Legislature has formally begun its session, I wanted to take a look forward and share with you what the coming months will look like.

Firstly, I wanted to go over some key structural differences that exist in the second session as compared with the first. Most notable is this session’s length; unlike the first session which typically runs from January until June, the second session is scheduled to adjourn in April, and has come to be referred to as the “short session” because of that.

The focus of our work will also be narrower. As opposed to the first session where legislators can submit bills on any topic ranging from small to large issues, the Maine Constitution dictates that the second session be reserved for budgetary matters, legislation of an “emergency” nature, and bills that were introduced in the previous year but still require additional work.

Legislative committees have also begun meeting, and the work quickly got moving at full speed. As the Senate Chair of the Environment and Natural Resources Committee, I’m responsible for setting the agenda and schedule for the committee, along with my co-chair, Rep. Ralph Tucker, of Brunswick. We’ll be working on a wide range of issues once again this session, from out-of- state waste that comes into Maine, to advancing the Maine Won’t Wait climate action plan, to water quality standards. We’ve also already held a public hearing for a bill that I sponsored to help coastal homeowners afford their flood insurance amid rising water levels. I’ll make sure to keep you updated as this legislation progresses.

I also serve as a member of the Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services Committee, where we will continue the critical work to ensure that every Mainer, no matter where they live or how much money they make, can access the prescription medications and health care that they need.

Like last year, committees will start the year by conducting their work remotely over Zoom. During the first session, this new virtual format actually turned out to benefit everyday Mainers the most. As opposed to previous years when someone would have to plan their day around a drive to Augusta, whether it be 20 minutes or 3 hours, in order to share their thoughts on a proposal, now anyone can testify during a public hearing from the comfort of their own home. We saw evidence that people were taking advantage of this new ability last session, with record numbers of people participating in public hearings. The legislative process is at its best when we get as much input as possible from around the state. All committee meetings are also live streamed and archived at www.legislature.maine.gov.

As the session goes on, I will continue working to keep all of my constituents up to date on the happenings in Augusta. In addition to monthly columns, I send email updates that you can sign up for by visiting www. Mainesenate.org. You can also visit my Facebook page at www.Facebook.com/stacy.brenner.maine. And as always, if you have a question, comment or just want to make your voice heard, you can send me an email at Stacy.Brenner@legislature.maine.gov or call my office at 287-1515.

Stacy Brenner is serving her first term in the Maine Senate, representing Senate District 30, which includes Gorham, part of Buxton, and part of Scarborough. She is the co-owner of Broadturn Farm in Scarborough and is also a certified nurse-midwife.